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Showing posts from August, 2016

Your Move

I have never been a fan of chess. I don't enjoy games involving intense strategy or attempting to predict people. They stress me out. When I have happened to get roped into a chess game (which was probably like twice), I would overthink everything and worry that there was something I couldn't think of. Before I could get any piece to the other half of the board, I would get overwhelmed and give up trying to play strategically. At that point, I would just move pieces around and not think about it. I would shut down. Luckily, I don't have to like chess, nobody really cares all that much if I don't play, and if I shut down in the middle of a game, it only means i'm not a great chess player. I can live with that. Unfortunately this giant chess tournament called life isn't quite as inconsequential. If you shut down, your moves will effect more than just your Queen's protection squad (not actual chess lingo). If you give up and quit, the game keeps continuing,...